- Rather large surround
- Surround removed
- Plaster removed
- Opening up the recess
- Old mortar raked out
- Re-pointed, plastering beads being fitted
- Skimmed
- Oak beam and slate hearth fitted
- Beltane Chew installed
- Chimney removed near ridge
- My trusty friend doing his thing on the roof
- Cutting the tiles to fit around flashing
- Having a little rest on the roof, good views
- Chimney passing out through roof
- All caged in to prevent combustibles being pushed up against the chimney
- Top side..
- ..bottom side
- The start of a job
- Surround removed, tiles coming off
- Opened up
- Re-pointed, bonding plaster applied
- Skim coat going on
- Skimmed and hearth fitted
- Parkray Aspect 5 installed
- Blazing away, massive window 🙂
- Cleanburn Lovenholm installed
- What will we find?
- .. a mess!
- The cleaning up begins
- Preparing for plastering
- Bonding plaster applied
- Skimmed and slate rear hearth fitted
- Cleanburn Lovenholm installed
- My new house, needs loads of work and of course a Woodburner
- Opening up the concrete fireplace
- We deceided to knock through to the dining room
- It took many hours to break through the concrete wall
- ..still going
- Lintels fitted
- Boarded
- Beads fitted
- Athene my youngest using it as a doorway!
- Rusty slate hearth fitted
- My Loxton 6 installed. Still loads of work to do on the house!
- Beltane Chew installed
- Full fireplace prep’ and Cleanburn Lovenholm installed
- Morso 04 installed
- A very tall house, required this great scaffolding
- A view from a Bath roof top
- My van
- Morso 04 installed
- Stovax Stockton 4 installed
- Cleanburn Lovenholm installed
- Cleanburn Lovenholm installed
- That arch is a bit loose!
- Lower arch removed.
- Another blank wall
- Small hole..
- ..bigger hole
- ..fully opened
- Bonding coat applied
- Skimmed and hearth fitted
- Oak beam fiited
- Beltane Chew installed
- A bit of Pizza Oven action